JKRETTF appealed for transfer policy in favour of teachers appointed under RET scheme


Jammu/Srinagar, March 15 :–Jammu Kashmir Rehabar-e-taleem teachers forum ( JKRETTF) appealed LG administration for implementation of transfer policy in favour of teachers appointed under RET scheme some two decades ago.

According to a press handout issued here, said that about 60 thousand teachers were appointed under RET scheme in JKUT and they are still performing their duties at their first place of postings including the female teachers who are married away from their home districts / education zones and are the worst suffers due to the stagnation at one place said Chief spokes man of the forum.

Press note reads that forum chairman FA Tantray have appealed the LG administration, advisor to Governor and administrative secretary of education department BK singh to kindly intervene in this grave issues of teachers who are suffering badly and include him into the transfer policy.

Forum chairman more said that despite of assurance made by the previous governments and officers of the education department ,teachers specially female teachers who are regularized and married away from their home districts/education zones are not able to dwell as per socio-religious norms due to the nature of their postings, which severely hamper their familial duties and obligations and create a rift in their immediate family life which results in broken house and parental bounds. Tantray said that teachers appointed under RET scheme are performing their duties at their initial /first place of posting and due to stagnation at initial place of posting from about last two decades it also effects the quality education Badly.He said that transfers also refresh the employee for next assignments. He appealed the LG administration and top executives of the department to kindly do the needful and include the teachers appointed under RET scheme into transfer policy on Humanitarian grounds ,so they can feel a sigh of relief.


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