International Symposia on Trichoptera at Ecuador: BGSBU Research Scholar to present his research findings.




Zahid Hussain Research Scholar receives ITS from SERB.

RAJOURI JUNE 24:–In another feather to BGSBU’s cap, a Research Scholar at BGSBU Rajouri namely Zahid Hussain received International Travel Support (ITS) from the Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB) to present his research findings on Indian Trichoptera during XVIII International Symposia on Trichoptera to be held at Quito Ecuador from 1-5 July, 2024.
Republic of Ecuador, is a country in northwestern South America, bordered by Colombia on the north, Peru on the east and south, and the Pacific Ocean on the west.
Trichoptera is one of the 7th specious insect orders, the adults of which are terrestrial, and immature forms are aquatic in nature.
Zahid Hussain is working under the supervision of Dr Sajad H. Parey at Department of Zoology, Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University (BGSBU) Rajouri.
Vice Chancellor BGSBU, Prof Akbar Masood congratulated the Research Scholar Zahid Hussain for grabbing the funding from SERB to attend this prestigious gathering of Insect Scientists of the globe at Quito, Ecuador.
Dr A A Shah, DAA applauded the scholar & encouraged him to learn new & robustic research techniques during the symposia.
Shahbaz Mirza (JKAS), Registrar BGSBU personally encouraged & appreciated Zahid Hussain for representing the BGSBU as well India at World level during the Symposia at Ecuador.
Research revealed that Trichoptera is an order of moth-like holometabolous insects, known as caddisflies (or caddis flies), with aquatic, silk-spinning, caterpillar-like larva and adults that have long antenna and four, large, hair-covered wings that typically are without scales and are held tent-like over the abdomen.
The larvae and pupae are mainly found in freshwater habitats, but marine and terrestrial species are known.
There are about 12,000 known species of caddisflies. Other common names include sedge-flies and rail flies.

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