SRINAGAR JAN 05:-In a heartbreaking incident, a fire has engulfed the home of Aijaz Ahmad Sheikh, son of Mohd Akbar Sheikh, in Charhad Magam, Handwara, Kupwara. The blaze left the family devastated and in dire need of assistance.
Sheikh Tahira, the District President of Mahila Congress Kupwara, was quick to respond to the tragedy, visiting the site to assess the damage firsthand. “It’s truly disheartening to see a family in such distress,” she remarked during her visit. “Aijaz is a very poor man, and he needs our help now more than ever. I urge the district administration to step in and provide all basic facilities to support this family in their time of need.”
The community is rallying together, emphasizing the importance of immediate action to ensure that Aijaz and his family receive the necessary aid. As they navigate this difficult situation, the call for assistance highlights the power of solidarity in times of crisis.
Everyone is encouraged to contribute in any way possible to help restore hope and stability for Aijaz Ahmad Sheikh and his family. Together, we can make a difference