Dismay prevailed over authoritarian approach of JK education administration and DSE Jammu: repression of capacities of subordinates to hide own weakness is reported.


Riaz Choudhary
Rajouri March 15:–
Education profession being most delicate and full of compassion demands highly humane and democratic machinery to fulfill its cherished goals. Unfortunately, in UT of Jammu and kashmir this sector has worst been hit by frequent swipe of powers and imposition of authoritarian machinery. No cadre of school education have seen any routine transfers and promotions since a decade. Killing stagnation and life long posting of unvoiced officials in far flung tougher station is posing big challenge to maintain and uphold enthusiasm wich again sheds its bad impact on this prophetic mission. DSE Jammu times and again asked to the officials to apply for transfers since 2018 through zonal committees and now through online portal which each times lands into dustbin. Online transfer application were also sought last year where tens of thousands of officials applied as a ray of hope but no general transfers were dared upon, only few among surplus got transferred or badly displaced rest all saw the dusbin. This time again the exercise is repeated which is again going to be futile as bigger officials are not able to gather capabilities to handle general transfers. An ugly play of ceasing of powers of subordinates by higher official is in seen since a decade.

Administrative secretaries of School education ceasing and catching hold of powers of DSEs of transfers of lecturers while DSEs have ceased and caught hold of powers of CEOs if tranfers of teachers. Suspection prevail that such an illegitimate exercise is performed to generate and pocket revenue through centralised corruption system. Lest how did administrative secretary and Directors know genuineness of places of posting sitting in AC glass houses unless appropriate powers are not allowed to operate under CSR to field officials.

Moreover, large number of offices of high importance are kept without heads, each one official is asked to look after multiple offices. CEO Rajouri, for example is given additional charge of CEO Poonch, principal DIET as well as DEPO Rajouri, such a scenario prevails throughout UT. To whom administration is answerable at least.
If certain district officers attempt to deliver their duties under their legitimate power under CSR, higher up gets angry and quashes his action for want of illogical and illegitimate permissions. Why CEOs being district officers are bound to seek approval for adjustment of long pending RRETs posting within the district? Why he is not authorised to rationalise teacher and fourth class staff within his jurisdiction?

Not even medical cases of severe health challenges are considered in DSE jammu, particularly. Our reporter learned that an official was brought before director school education jammu carried on structure was not considered for transfer and easy posting.

In the name of digital revolution DSE Jammu, instead of officiating duties assigned to her by CSR is busy in imposing self styled daily schools activities on schools through various portals and links, which is a task of headmasters and principals. Infact imposing every small thing from upside is bound to freeze the capabilities of subordinates.

Teaching fraternity and public in general has requested media outlets to take notice and save the nation from devastation.


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