✅It has brought back humanity.
✅Brought back people to their Creator and to their morals.
✅It has closed down bars, night clubs, brothels and casinos.
✅It brought down interest rates.
✅Brought families together.
✅It has stopped people eating dead and forbidden animals.
✅So far it has moved one third of military expenditure to health care.
✅Arab countries have banned shisha.
✅Coronavirus is pushing people to prayers.
✅It undermines dictators and their powers.
✅Humans are now worshipping God rather than progress and technology.
✅It is forcing authorities to look at its prisons and prisoners.
✅It has taught humans how to sneeze, yawn and cough.
✅Coronavirus is now making us stay at home, living simple lives. “Ultimately Allah Subhan wa Taallah enforces us for Haqooqul Ibaad and Haqooqqullah” bcoz we are entitled khairul Ummah
We thank God for waking us up to reality and for giving us an opportunity to ask Him for His Forgiveness and His help.
By Nazir Ahmad