On the direction of UT Govt. DYSSO Poonch has started cleaning drive in the schools of Distt. Poonch as well .
POONCH APRIL 22:–A drive was started at GMS Seri khawaja in which all the students and teachers participated to ensure cleanliness in the surroundings of their school.
Head Master Pankaj Sharma , Nawaz Ahmed (Teacher) , Naveed Bi(teacher ) and Physical Teacher Pervaiz Malik Afridi along with the students took part in this drive.
All the participants were given a form to fill up which includes the particulars of participants in the event.
The motive behind this campaign is to keep the educational institutions neat and clean.
This drive ll reach every school in different zones of Distt. Poonch in coming days. It is our prime duty to take care of our national properties and not to make them a place to store garbage and wastage. Schools are sacred places and need to be cared, said head master pankaj sharma.