Adil Hamdani
Mandi, April 14:–BDC Chairperson Mandi Mr. Shamim Ahmed Ganai has extended greetings to people of J&K on the commencement of holy month of Ramadan.He said, the holy month of Ramadan is a period dedicated to fasting, service and prayers highlighting patience, self-restraint, austerity promoting compassion and respect for fellow human beings.“May everyone be blessed with happiness, grace, warmth, joy and peace with the advent of the holy month of Ramzan”,BDC Chairperson added”.
Shamim Ahmed Ganai also hoped this auspicious month would be harbinger of peace, amity, communal harmony, brotherhood, progress and prosperity for the people of Jammu and Kashmir.He urged the people to religiously follow the Covid guidelines and SOPs advised by health experts by wearing masks, using sanitizers and ensuring social distancing in Masjids, Khanqahs and Imambargahs.