RAJOURI, MAY 22:–In a heartwarming gesture, Chief Agriculture Officer (CAO) Rajouri, Sohan Singh on Monday presented a generous amount of Rs. 30,000 towards the Red Cross Fund.
The amount was voluntarily contributed by the employees of the Agriculture Department and the cheque of the donated amount was handed over to the Deputy Commissioner, Vikas Kundal, IAS, who is also Chairman District Red Cross Society.
Vikas Kundal hailed the Chief Agriculture Officer for his contribution towards the noble cause of the Red Cross.
He commended the officials of the Department of Agriculture for their exemplary act of kindness, emphasising the importance of such initiatives in providing aid and support to those in need.
The Red Cross plays a vital role in providing humanitarian assistance and relief during emergencies, natural disasters, and other critical situations.
The funds received from the donation will contribute to their ongoing efforts to deliver essential services and support to the affected individuals and communities.
The Chief Agriculture Officer expressed his deep admiration for the relentless efforts and selfless service of the Red Cross.
He reaffirmed his commitment to supporting charitable causes that aim to alleviate suffering and promote social welfare.
He further informed that all his employees contributed voluntarily.