PM Narendra Modi Digital India slogan, “A distant dream of Kahara Villagers”,


Seeks intervention of MD JKPDC/JKPDD


Jammu July 15:–At the time when Prime Minister Narender Modi claims the digitalisation of mordern India and 100% electrification of electricity across Jammu and Kashmir and announced National Award for Jammu and Kashmir Power Development Departnment in 2019 , some villages of Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory still have a dream to see the electric blub lightining in their homes.  It may sound strange but its fact and factual that Kahara villagers in Doda District are yet deprived of basic facilities in this mordern era when the man is landing on moon . The Kahara villages having more than 15000 souls among which 4500 are students, includes village Tanta, Kuthal, Gonuni, WaniPora, Dhraman, Magray Mohallah, Baghran, HaphatYari, GhratNallah, Bani, Kanoo, Wathlup, and many other villages, that have not yet seen the electricity in this mordern era.

A local resident of village Kahara Baber Nafice informed that, We are being depriveed of our basic rights and it is very tough for we students to continues our studies as there is non avaliablity of electricity. Our studies got badly effected that results our dropout in competative exams. Adding that we are not financially sound to manage our all dues to use Solar panels/ invertors for generation of electricity.

Another resident Shah Nawaz  Mir from Tanta Kahara said, that hundred times we made the pleas since from 2002, before the concerned authories and even the plea was made before PMO Office Minister Dr. Jatinder Singh in 2015, and Chief Ministers of the than State Jammu and Kashmir including Ghulam Nabi Azad , Omar Obdullah, Mehbooba Mufti and all Ministers holding charges of Power Development Departnments of Jammu and Kashmir but unfortunatly the plea falls on deaf ears and  blind eyes and yet the electricity became a distant dream. Adding that the tendering process was floted by RGGVY, DDU-GKY and Shalaka Compnies since  from  last decade but till day no work came to be seen on ground.

The residents alleged the neglience of administrative heads toward Kahara villages since from independence. Adding that two times memorundum was submitted to Honble PM Narendra Modi  but till day no response came to be seen. ShahNawaz added that the so called politicians of Congress, BJP, PDP , NC befools public and makes big big promises during elections but had never visted these villages after the elections. The villagers had threatened that they will boycott the upcoming elections if the demand of electrification of these areas is not fulfilled.

It is pertinent to mention that Tehsil Kahara is region of Doda District of Inderwal Constituency in Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, that is yet not electrified since from Independent India.

Public of Kahara villages having ray of hope among MD JKPDC/JKPDD Shri Rohit Kansal to personally intervence in this matter soas Kahara villagers will get electricity at an earliest. 


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