Shocking Two murder reported in Rajour district on Saturday.


RAJOURI FEBRUARY 05:– In a shocking development, two murders have been reported in the Rajouri district on Saturday.
In the first incident, a youth was shot dead in the Targain village (under Budhal police station) in the wee hours while another incident took place in the Fatehpur village (Rajouri police station) in the late evening hours in which relatives had a physical scuffle over a petty issue and among four injured one brother died while another was injured.
An unmarried 26-year old shopkeeper was allegedly shot dead while was asleep in his room at about 4.30 am in a remote Targain village in Budhal police station in Rajouri district on Saturday.
The deceased has been identified as Karamt Shah s/o Ali Akbar belongs to a poor family and was working as a labourer before opening a shop in the Targain village.
According to sources, his marriage was settled for next month and the girl & her relatives also visited the family in this hour of grief.
According to the preliminary physical verification two bullets, reportedly fired with a pistol from a short-range, had hit the deceased at the back side of his right ear and came out of the opposite side killing him on the spot.
“In a firing incident in village Targain of police station Budhal, one Karamt Shah, age 26/27, was fired upon and he suffered firearm injury in the head and died on the spot,” said the police.
“He was fired from the window of his room. Another firing incident took place at the residence of Nabi Shah s/o Yaseen Shah of the same village and the family remained unhurt” the police added.
Local leaders, including Javed Choudhry (BDC Chairman) and Farooq Inqalabi (sarpanch, Kewal Panchayat) had blamed the Budhal police for the increase in the crime rate under Budhal station.
“Had the attempt to murder case of Th. Ranjeet Singh (local leader), about eighteen months ago, been investigated properly and the culprits would have been brought to book, today’s incident (murder) wouldn’t had happened” said these leaders.
At the request of a senior police officer, today’s protest for the arrest of culprits before the evening has been postponed.
“If the police failed to arrest the culprits within the next two days, a large-scale protest will be held after two days,” said Farooq Inqalabi.
Meanwhile, as per initial details, a physical scuffle between two real brothers had taken place in the Fatehpur village in the late evening hours today.
Both the brothers along with their sons were injured critically and rushed to Associated Hospital & Government Medical College (AH&GMC) where doctors declared one brother, namely Mohd Hafiz s/o Hakim Din brought dead while his son Gaffor Choudhary is critical.
Second brother Mohd Sharief and his son Sayeed Ahmed were also injured and are under treatment and as per doctors both are out of danger.
More details in this incident were awaited. In both cases, the concerned police have started an investigation.


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