By Khawaja Ajaz Madni
Allah Almighty has placed man’s nature in such a way that he is hungry for love, therefore he seeks people in a happy environment who can share in his happiness. This participation doubles his happiness.
Just as the presence of a grief-stricken person alleviates his grief, this love often comes to him from relationships that are natural and in which he has no control, and there is also a relationship that a person has. It is created by one’s own choice and choice, it is: the relationship of marriage, a family of Men and women bound in the bond of marriage does not have to belong to one region and one language, many times a relationship is established between completely strangers. ; But this relationship gives rise to a love and affection, the depth of which is often greater than all other relationships, the old relationship is nothing compared to the new relationship, this relationship is so important that the future of both parties is great. To the extent that they are connected to each other till death, they become parents through each other and nurture their livers with mutual cooperation, for a while they were a golden dream for each other and now Together they dream for their next generation.
That is why there should be maximum harmony between the two parties in the marriage relationship.
This harmony makes the relationship lasting. Stability in a relationship does not last, a necessary
condition for harmony is also the harmony of thought and belief, think that if a person believes in Allah as one and considers his forehead before anyone other than Allah is considered the greatest crime.
How can he reconcile with a man who is a priest of hundreds of creatures in his twenty-four hour life,when the religious festivals of the two come, if he is serious and truthful in his ideology, will there not be a conflict between them? When it comes to the education and training of children and their religious affiliation, will it not be the turn of tensions? Will definitely come That is why there is a “difference of religion” among the things that are considered an obstacle to marriage in Islam, which are called barriers to marriage in jurisprudential terms.
The details can be summed up in three points, the first is that a Muslim girl cannot marry any nonMuslim boy, whether he is a Jew or a Christian or an infidel or a polytheist, such as a Hindu Buddhist etc., and the reason is obvious. It will be difficult for a woman to defend her faith in a hostile environment. Second: A Muslim man cannot marry a non-Muslim woman other than a Jewish and Christian woman. Obviously, this excludes Hindu women. Third: A Muslim man can marry a Jew or a Christian woman; But two things must be borne in mind in this regard. One is that being Jewish and Christian does not mean that he has written Jew or Christian with him in the government’s census box, as is the case with Westerners today. Rather, she must be a true Jew and a Christian, that is, she must believe in God, in prophecy, in the inspired book, and in the system of the Hereafter, although there is room for marriage to Jewish and Christian women. But even that is not without its ugliness.
When Hazrat Omar Farooq heard that Muslim men were marrying Jewish and Christian women in Syria, he strictly forbade it. Two of its benefits are very clear. The first is that it is used in Muslim families.
There is a fear of infiltration of non-Islamic ideas and foreign culture. The second advantage is that politically and defensively, the entry of such women into the harem of Muslims is very harmful. General Akbar Khan wrote his book on Hadith Sira Nabavi (a). “Israel’s victory in the war of 1967 and the retreat of Egypt and Syria were all based on the fact that the wives of the great commanders were Christians and Jews, and all the secrets of the war were passed down to Israel from moment to moment.”
Unfortunately, the eyes of the Arabs have not been opened yet. The mother of the current dictator of Egypt was a Jew, even her uncle was a long time Israeli Minister of Education. Similarly, the wife of King Jordan is a Christian. The same was the case with his wife, the same misguided attitude that has
weakened Muslim countries so much that they have turned a blind eye to Jewish and Christian powers and Do not dare to open the language of protest in front of Therefore, there is no doubt that the warning given by Hazrat Umar to the Muslims was based on their intellect, faith and deep insight.
In any case, there are no two opinions that a polytheistic man cannot marry a Muslim woman or a polytheistic woman can marry a Muslim man. Unfortunately, despite this enlightening fact, the sectarian forces at that time started spreading the myth of “love jihad”. If Islam was convinced of this and Muslims wanted to make marriage a means of spreading Islam, then marriage with non-Muslim nations would not have been prohibited. Rather, it is encouraged, as it is in the Christian world today. In fact, it is not desirable in Islam for a man or a woman to convert to Islam in order to get married to such and such a person. It is not his intention to seek the pleasure and guidance of God Almighty. It was obligatory for him to emigrate to Madinah before he had converted to Islam. But because of his natural love for his homeland, his heart was not ready to emigrate. But the woman he wanted to marry bet on him that he would have to emigrate. Eventually, he emigrated. The Messenger of God did not like that.
Therefore, he said that the acceptance of a deed and the reward for it depends on the intention. That is, Allah Almighty will reward him, and whoever migrates for marriage or for any worldly purpose, his migration is not worthy of reward, so if a person does not accept Islam willingly, only that If he becomes a Muslim and marries such and such a boy or girl, then there is a fear that he will not get the right reward, and if he persists in this condition, it will be a kind of hypocrisy and it is not surprising that in the Hereafter his appearance Faith should be slapped on his face.
In India, Muslims have always maintained the boundaries of halal and haraam and devout and pious Muslims have never tried to adopt non-Muslim girls as married. Some people mention Akbar’s marriage to Jodha Bai. But this marriage consented to the Rajputs Rather, it was based on desire and Akbar was not a scholar or a devout Muslim to impose his actions on the heads of Muslims. The fact is that if a boy or a girl accepts a religion on the basis of his conscience and his peers If you want to marry a religion, the law of our country allows it and it cannot be called marriage for conversion, and if in the present
mixed environment one has a relationship with a girl or a boy of another religion of one’s choice. It has nothing to do with religion, and at least in India such incidents have been happening for a long time and are still happening, there is an example of this in the family of Mahatma Gandhi himself.
Surprisingly, the sectarian group that has turned this myth into a mountain of rye is now more likely to have such incidents in their homes, with the daughters or sisters of several top BJP leaders giving their consent. Rather, he has insisted on marrying Muslims. There are instances where some non-Muslim men have married Muslim women, and there are instances where a Muslim lover in love has sometimes converted from Islam to marry a Hindu woman. There are many examples of this in the film world, so that such marriages do not take place in the spirit of publishing religion. Rather, they are under the influence of emotional emotions. There is no distinction between Hindus and Muslims. Calling such incidents “Love Jihad” is to elevate one’s political stature on the basis of lies and deception.
Scholars and preachers also have a responsibility to educate the new generation of Muslims about
Islamic concepts of marriage and to try to prevent incidents in which a Muslim boy marries a nonMuslim girl or a Muslim girl. Marriage with a non-Muslim boy is bound to harm the Muslim community,
it is a life of sin, it is not a marriage in the eyes of the Shari’a and it also disturbs the peace of the society, yes If a Hindu boy or girl really converts to Islam sincerely, then of course a Muslim boy and girl should marry him according to sharee’ah and make him a part of his family. This is also a rule of sharia and the law of our country is clear. As it allows.