Derailing a conversation on Kashmir: Autonomy VS self-determination Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai

“It would be totally unrealistic, cynically so, to expect Pakistan to stand aside, unmoved and insensitive, from the desperate struggle in Kashmir over a principle of self-determination for which Pakistan throughout its history has made enormous sacrifices.” Ambassador Yusuf Buch A Kashmir conference was held on November 10, 2020 at Serena Hotel, Islamabad, entitled: “The challenges … Read more

30th Poonch District T T Championship going to be held from 18 to 21 November in sports stadium Poonch.

Adil Hamdani (GNS) Mandi,/Poonch November 13 :– 30th District Table Tennis Championship Poonch is going to be held in the newly constructed Indoor Hall of sports council in the premises of sports stadium Poonch.As per the handout issued by Er.Saleem Bandey general secretary of district table tennis association, the championship will be held w.e.f.18th to … Read more